English, asked by royrishabh3194, 8 months ago

A conversation between father and son about the usefulness of morning walk


Answered by kirannirpane


F :- Get ready my dear son we have to go for a morning walk .

S:- Just a moment dad I will be ready soon.

( while walking )

S :- dad why we go for a morning walk every day.

F:- It's good for health.

S:- But dad why is it necessary.

F:- While walking we are physical active and r body is in motion thus, it is an exercise.

S :- But dad we can even go to gym for that reason.

F :- According to scientists, after night the earth breaths natural and pure air which is good for health.

S:- We can even stand in r balcony for that reason.

F:- While taking a morning walk the rising rayes of sun are in contact with r body which is the best source for vitamin d.

S:- Therefore, dad we are performing many healthy activities at a time which is too good. I'm I right dad.

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