a copper bar and a wooden bar are joined a piece of paper is wrapped tightly around the joint the bar is heated strongly at the center for a short time and the paper goes brown on one side only
which side goes brown and what does this show about wood and copper

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Copper side
A copper bar and a wooden bar are joined a piece of paper is wrapped tightly around the joint the bar is heated strongly at the center for a short time and the paper goes brown on one side only Copper side goes brown.
- Copper contains a lot of free electrons that can conduct electricity, which is why metal is a good conductor of electricity. Silver, on the other hand, has a higher electrical conductivity but is not utilised for wiring due to its high cost.
- A metal has better electrical conductivity the lower its level of resistance. Additionally, copper wire is an excellent electrical conductor because of its low resistance. Additionally, copper is a remarkably bendable substance. Silver.
- Pure silver is the best conductor of electricity, yet unsurprisingly, copper is the most popular metal for conducting electricity. Copper and aluminium are two of the most often utilised metals for electrical conductivity.
- The industry standard for electrical conductivity is copper. Compared to other metals save silver, it conducts electrical current the best. Before it is suitable for many electrical uses, copper is frequently purified to 99.98% purity (even more pure than Ivory Soap).
- Some of the most adaptable engineering materials include copper and copper alloys. Copper is useful for a wide range of applications due to its combination of physical qualities, including strength, conductivity, corrosion resistance, machinability, and ductility.
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