English, asked by 980545, 6 months ago

A day without internet essay​


Answered by Anonymous


Indeed the Internet has made the world a small town again! It helps me connect with my friends and long lost relatives with ease. I can talk to my parents over video calling and send them pictures and emails which reaches them in a jiffy. When I shift to a new city, the Internet helps me identify the grocery place, farmer’s market, the library as well helps me identify events of my interest happening in the neighborhood. Thanks to the Internet, I am not rushing to my heavy cook books for recipes anymore nor I am visiting the library every time I want to research on a topic. The new information technology, Internet and email have practically eliminated the physical costs of communication.

However, everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense. We are forgetting how to communicate with each other. Adults are letting “social media” ruin their relationships. Inboxes, likes and retweets are furthering the communication gap. Social internet keeps us connected with the outside world, but we first should connect with ourselves.The people of our sophisticated civilization chose to come home regularly from work and sit staring at the Computer screen and watch You-Tube videos or the Television. We are advanced that we can interact with our loved ones over huge distances of hundreds and thousands of miles but a lot of us hardly meet each other face to face on a day-today basis as we have become used to meet our friends in a virtual reality over social media.Hence I would like this cocoon of Internet taken away from me for a day. I believe staying away from the Internet would help improve productivity, release stress and vent emotions with people we love.

As I get ready for work, I would like to look upto the sky to tell me what the weather will be like today and not the WeatherChannel.com. I would turn to my kitchen to whip up a Sunday Special meal. Looking at the ingredients, I can rack my mind to make something innovative instead of turning to Chef TarlaDalal.com to help me. Instead of the Wunderlist, I would prefer using a PostIt notes to jot down the things-to-do list. I am no longer distracted or interrupted by Twitter, Whatsapp or Facebook but focus on my hobbies like painting or jotting down my own thoughts. Staying away from the internet, I can mingle more with the environment by planting trees or go for walks in the forest.

Without the continuous distraction the internet provides, I feel a lot more relaxed. It is easier for me to set priorities and spend more time in a productive way, instead of allowing it to pass by unused. It makes me realize that internet can definitely be a very useful tool, but it can also become an addiction that captures your mind on a certain level, holding you back of what you could be truly capable of. It is the re-remembering of what you were truly designed to be: a human and not a calibrated robot that connects back to its network as often as possible, in order to receive the latest updates about the most relevant things.

So here is my suggestion:

Select a day in a month and turn off internet connectivity to all your devices. Rack your minds to get going through all the tasks and allow yourself the Roaring Laughter !! Give it a try and feel the joy.

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