a debate on women education is a waste of time[oppose]
A debate of women education is not waste of time.
A debate of women education is about equality and a right .If mens have right to be educated then why not women . Rights are equal for every citizen of the country, there should no discrimination for education . As we all know education is the key of success then why women can't do debate to grant this great opportunity .
Everybody have right to speak for themselves.
A debate on women education is all about right for feminism. There should unity in a country at least for education . The debate for women is necessary over decades , as people don't give women equal opportunities and equal privileges as mens. By debating women clear the thought that there is no lose of anything if a women be educated.
Rather than giving extra supports to women people should treat them Equally.There should no restrictions for women eg : A man is allowed to do job after marriage but not a women because she is a house wife is this thing is necessary!!!
A women is only for household works taking care of children and cooking food .There should be equality in these cases .
so to clear these thoughts there is necessary for women education debate.
Thank you☺️