English, asked by bestcitysakthi, 1 year ago

A dialogue between a farmer and a student discussing about destoryment of nature please say fast


Answered by Commercian
Student: sir, I am doing a project on the nature problems. can I ask some questions about it?

farmer: sure!!!
question 1: what are the reaons for less natural quality products?

ans: the reason is that the excessive use of pesticides, also not pure water, air ,temprature etc.

all the reason has a simple and common answer that is pollution of nature
the pollutants that are released by the factories and the less mean of keeping it safe makes it more harmful. also the smoke caused by the the people or the dumpsites makes it more dangerous.

question: does it affect the farming ?

ans: yes, the crops gets yield if they get proper environment to grow such as temprature, water, minerals etc but because of green house effect the temprature is rising, water is getting polluted because of getting waste in water, the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides

Also the declinment of trees caused a havoke in the world because the trees were making the pollutants to stable which is also known as the environment sinking in which environment sucks some amount of pollution and stablilize it.

question: one last question how to overcome this situation??

ans: answer is of one line " everything is fair in limits, grow more trees and help environment, beyond limit doing everything is dangerous".
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