A farmer has sheep and hens .the sheep and hens together have 100 heads and 356 legs .how many sheep and hens does the farmer have?
Answer:ot the answer, but I’m not really sure how I did it. I don’t really remember a lot of algebra, but I must have learned something from it. I’ll try and see what I did here. I started out with only sheep…
sheep have 4 legs. We need 356 legs. If all those legs were on sheep, we’d have 89 farm animals.
356 divided by 4=89. But we need the number of animals to be 100.
For every sheep we eliminate, we can add 2 chickens because they only have 2 legs, not 4 like a sheep.
(this is where I zoned out and came up with the answer)
OK, I remember. We were short 11 animals when we made them into sheep.
We can’t add chickens without getting rid of sheep because we’d be adding legs and we already had that.
Now remember that for every sheep we eliminate we can add 2 chickens (they have half as many legs)
If we eliminate 11 sheep, we can add 22 chickens and have 100 animals and still have 356 legs.
89–11=78. 78 sheep have 312 legs (4x78=312)
22 chickens have 44 legs.
Step-by-step explanation:plz mark me brainlly
5 farmers need because we can control goats by head of the goats for hens we need more farmers means 5farmers2 for goats 3 for hens