a five-digit number is taken. sum of the first four digits (excluding the number at the units digit) equals sum of all the five digits
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for example : the number is 12345
1+2+3+4= 10 then it is not equal to the sum of all five digits but there can be an exception if the fifth digit is a 0
1+2+3+4= 10 then it is not equal to the sum of all five digits but there can be an exception if the fifth digit is a 0
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A five-digit number is taken. Sum of the first four digits (excluding the number at the units digit) equals the sum of all the five digits. the following will not divide the number necessarily:
last : digit : must: be: 0
if : divisible: by : 10 : then
: must : be : divisible: by : 2 : and : 5
not : sure: for : 4
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