A florist has to make bouquets using red roses and yellow roses, and the ratio of the number of red roses to the number of yellow roses is to be the same in each
If there are 15 red roses and 85 yellow roses available for the bouquets, what is the maximum number of bouquets that can be made using all the roses available?
Number of red roses=15
Number of yellow roses=85
To find:
The maximum number of bouquets that can be made using all the roses available
The maximum number of bouquets that can be made using all the roses available is 5.
We can find the number by following the given steps-
We know that the required number can be obtained by finding the highest common factor of the number of roses of both colours.
We are given that the number of red roses with the florist is 15 and the number of yellow roses is 85.
The factors of 15= 3 and 5
The factors of 85=5 and 17
The highest common factor of the two is 5.
So, the florist can make 5 bouquets.
The florist can take 3 red roses and 17 yellow roses for each bouquet and create five such bouquets by using all the roses.
Therefore, the maximum number of bouquets that can be made using all the roses available is 5.