A force F is applied to a square plate of side L.If the percentage error in the determination of L is 2% and that in F is 4% ,the permissible error in pressure is

In general, the inaccuracy over the working range should not exceed 2%, however in fact, the accuracy is frequently much higher. Temperature changes are adjusted for in the design, and variations in voltage and frequency are unlikely to harm the instrument as long as they stay below the limits set by the Electricity Supply Acts (4% for voltage and 0.2% for frequency). If the load has a high power factor, very low voltages and reduced supply frequency will both cause the metre to read high. The frequency impact is reversed when the power factor is low and the load is mostly inductive.
A square plate with a side length of L is subjected to a force F. If the percentage mistake in determining L is 2% and the percentage error in determining F is 4%, the permitted error in pressure is
find the answer for the given question
- The orthogonal force per unit area, or the tension at a point within a confined fluid, is known as pressure in the physical sciences.
- You'll need two things to compute pressure:
- the surface area on which the force or weight is distributed the force or weight exerted
- This equation is used to compute pressure:
- a pressure equals a force multiplied by an area
(∇L/L*100) = 2%
P = F/A = F/L^2
(∇F/F*100) = 4%
∇P/P = +-(∇F/F + 2*∇L/L)
(∇P/P*100) = +-(∇F/F*100 + 2*∇L/L*100)
= +-(4+2*2)
= 8%