A four-digit number is given. If one digit of the number is omitted and the new number is added to the starting number, we get 1254. Find the starting number.
1234/12 Dividend = 1234 and Divisor = 12. Split divisor (12) in 2 parts (1 and 2) where division will be carried using ONLY 1(new divisor) and 2 is called as flag. As flag is single digit, Split dividend in 2 parts such that 2nd part will have same number as that of flag i.e. 1 digit
A four-digit number is given.
If one digit of the number is omitted and the new number is added to the starting number, we get 1254.
To find :
The starting number.
Let a b c d be the starting number.
If one digit of the number is omitted and the new number is added to the starting number, we get 1254.
The new number is 0 a b c
a = 1
d + c = 4
c + b = 5
a + b = 2
1 + b = 2
b = 2 - 1
b = 1
c + b = 5
c + 1 = 5
c = 5 - 1
c = 4
d + c = 4
d + 4 = 4
d = 4 - 4
d = 0
The Starting number is 1140
The new number is 0114
If the new number is added to the starting number, we get 1254.
So, 1140 + 114 = 1254
Final answer:
The starting number is 1140.