English, asked by himanshu2769, 9 months ago

a friend in need a friend indeed based story about 150 - 200 words​


Answered by yashdutt10


Two friends went out on a long journey. They happened to pass through a thick forest. They felt a bit nervous; but as each promised to stand by the other and share the same fate they could walk on with some confidence in their mind.

They had not gone far when a wild bear came out from among the trees. One of the friends in great fear climbed up the nearest tree, without caring to think what would happen to the other man.

The other man, on his part, fell flat on the ground and held in his breath, pretending to be dead. As he lay thus, the bear came up to him and smelt him all over his body. Finding the man stiff in all his limbs, the bear took him to be dead and walked away.

When the bear was gone, the man in the tree came down. He greeted his friend, saying – “Thank God that you are saved. My friend, I saw the bear put its mouth very close to your ear. Did it say anything to you?”

The friend replied, “Yes, it warned me against a friend who left me in my danger to seek his own safety”.

Hence, we learn from the above story that “a friend in need is a friend indeed”.


Answered by dibya1273

A friend in need a friend indeed

A friend is a person whom one likes a lot and who is not a part of one’s family. “A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed” is a phrase that describes the most important characteristic of a true friend. Most noteworthy, the phrase means that a true friend is the one who helps someone at a time of need. Such a friend is certainly a precious asset in an individual’s life.

Importance of a Friend in Need

First of all, a friend in need helps one feel less lonely. Moreover, in this day and age people can feel easily feel detached and lonely. Consequently, this causes anxiety and depression to develop in a person. A helpful friend certainly eliminates feelings of loneliness. This is because such a friend reflects life back and all the things one has in common.

A friend in need is someone who improves and builds self-confidence in his friend. Most noteworthy, an individual’s number one friend is his friend in need. Furthermore, such a friend would tell how great he feels about you. Moreover, such a friend would tell you all your positive aspects. Consequently, this significantly increases an individual’s self-confidence.

A friend in need is someone who provides a reality check for you. Such a friend, besides telling positive things, is not afraid to explain an individual’s shortcomings. This certainly helps an individual in overcoming his weaknesses. Hence, a true friend would pull you back down to Earth.

A friend in need is certainly a supporter of your dreams and aspirations. Furthermore, a true friend would always believe in you. Moreover, such a friend does not discourage you from your ambitions. Most noteworthy, such a friend believes in the efforts of his friend and supports him in every manner.

Loyalty is another important benefit of a friend in need. Such a friend is truly an unyielding friend. This true friend would stand by you in any situation or circumstance. Certainly, a friend in need is not a backstabber or the one who betrayed

How to Be a Friend in Need

First of all, you should express yourself as a safe place for your friend. Most noteworthy, present yourself as a trustworthy individual so that your friend can confide in you.

Being a careful listener is another notable characteristic of a friend in need. Moreover, you should carefully listen to each and every word your friend says. Most noteworthy, one must memorize what one’s friend says, especially if it’s something important.

In order to be a friend in need, one must show proper respect for their friend. Above all, one must respect and honor what one’s friend says or does. One must certainly not disrespect their friend’s point of view.

A true friend must provide non-judgemental perspectives. Therefore, you should help your friend to see all sides of each issue. A true friend must help one make use of logical decisions rather than emotional ones.

In conclusion, “A friend in need is a friend indeed” is a saying which describes a real friend. Furthermore, the true test of a friendship is during times of difficulties. Most noteworthy, the friend who offers genuine help during troublesome period passes this test. Such a friend is a resilient, firm and fierce friend.

It is too long but,it will help you.......☺️

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