English, asked by ruth24, 1 year ago

a good essay on ' india the largest constitution'. pls its for a competition. so i need a good one.


Answered by Chirpy

The Constituent Assembly framed the Constitution which does not reflect the views of its members alone but expresses a broad consensus of its time. Till now no large social group or political party has questioned the legitimacy of the Constitution. This is a remarkable achievement for any constitution.

                The Assembly represented members from all the regions of the country, from different language groups, castes, classes, religions and occupations.

                The Constituent Assembly worked in a systematic, open and consensual manner. First basic principles were decided and a Drafting Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar prepared a draft Constitution for discussion. It was discussed clause by clause. More than two thousand amendments were considered. There were discussions for 114 days for more than three years. The 'Constituent Assembly Debates' were recorded and preserved. They form 12 bulky volumes and provide the rationale behind every provision of the Constitution.


The main federal features of the Indian Constitution are as follows:

1. Written Constitution: It contains 395 Articles and 12 Schedules and is the most elaborate Constitution of the world.

2. Supremacy of the Constitution: The courts ensure that the dignity of the Constitution is upheld at all costs.

3. Rigid Constitution: The provisions of the Constitution concerning Union State relations can be amended only by the joint actions of the State Legislatures and the Union Parliament.

4. Division of Powers: There is a clear division of powers so that the units and the centre enact and legislate within their sphere of activity and do not violate the limits.

5. Independent Judiciary: The judiciary in India is independent and supreme.

6. Bicameral Legislature: There are two Houses, the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.

7. Dual Government: India has a Central Government and State Governments.


The Indian Constitution is a beautifully balanced document.

1. It is both practical and ideal. It was made keeping in mind the prevailing needs and situations. At the same time the high ideals of freedom and rights were also incorporated.

2. It took the good points from different countries and transformed them according to the socio political conditions of our society. Some people call it a patchwork, but it is a beautiful one. The parliamentary system of government was adopted which also provides an accountable government.

3. It provides a framework which is based on the separation of powers, yet paves the way for cooperative federalism. 

4. It is both rigid and flexible.

5. It provides a balance between the executive, legislature and judiciary.

6. The Directive Principles provide a vision for the future.


The Indian Constitution is both rigid and flexible because some parts of the Constitution can be amended by Simple Majority of the Parliament. For example the change in the names and boundaries of states, abolition or creation of Legislative Councils in states. While the other provisions of the Constitution can be amended by the Special Majority in both Houses of Parliament and with the Consent of more than half of the States. For example the election of President and manner of election of President, extent of executive powers of the Union and the States respectively.


It was not an easy task to make a constitution for a huge and diverse country like India.

1. The country was formed after a partition on the basis of religious differences. It was a traumatic experience for the people of India and Pakistan.

2. People of India were emerging from the status of subjects to that of citizens.

3. The rulers of the princely states were free to decide whether they wanted to merge with India or Pakistan or remain independent.

                 In 1928, Motilal Nehru and other Congress leaders drafted a constitution for India. The resolution of the Karachi session of the Indian National Congress, in 1931 dwelt on how independent India's constitution should look like.  These documents included universal adult franchise, right to freedom and equality and protection of the rights of minorities. Thus all leaders accepted some basic values much before the formation of the Constitution.

Thus our leaders made great efforts and formed the largest constitution for India.

ruth24: oh thank you so much for answering
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