Math, asked by hardik7923, 6 months ago

A jug contains 1/2 L of water . How many millilitres and decilitres of water are there in the jug?​


Answered by krishshazia

Answer:Volume and capacity – millilitres and litres

1 When we convert:

a millilitres to litres, we by 1000

b litres to millilitres, we by

Convert these amounts to litres:

a 3 452 mL = b 7 895 mL =

c 10 000 mL = d 12 674 mL =

e 56 780 mL = f 235 mL =



Solve these word problems. They all involve conversion.

a Omar was filling up a 3 L container with cordial. He only had a small 300 mL jug. How many times did he

have to fill the jug to totally fill the container?


b I poured 375 mL out of a 2 L milk container. How much was left? I then poured out another 375 mL.

How much is left now?


c How many 315 mL glasses can be filled from a 1.7 L jug? How much is left over?


d Paula is making a punch for her party. She uses 1.5 L of orange juice, 750 mL pineapple juice, 1.25 L of

lemonade and 1.25 L of ginger ale. How much punch does she have altogether? How many 250 mL cups

will she be able to fill?



Convert these amounts to millilitres:

a 2.568 L = b 3.999 L =

c 10.566 L = d 1.78 L =

e 7.305 L = f 0.35 L =


× 1000

3.452 L

2568 mL

7.895 L

3999 mL

10 L

10566 mL

12.674 L

1780 mL

56.78 L

7305 mL

0.235 L

350 mL

Step-by-step explanation:

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