A labourer is engaged for 20 days on the condition that he will receive ₹280 for each day he works and will be fined ₹60 for each day he is absent. If he receives ₹2540 in all, for how many days Hid he remain absent?
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Step-by-step explanation:
Let a = number of days absent
(20-a) = number of days worked
Pay amt - fine amt = 745
60(20-a) - 5a = 745
1200 - 60a - 5a = 745
-65a = 745 - 1200
-65a = -455
a = %28-455%29%2F%28-65%29
a = 7 days absent
Check this, he worked 13 days so we have:
13(60) - 7(5) =
780 - 35 = 745
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