English, asked by genius777777, 10 months ago

a long paragraph on disadvantages of junk food​


Answered by Adityapsingh2601



Fast food, the type of food changed our lives. According to Bender and Bender, fast food is a general term used for a limited menu of foods that lend themselves to production line techniques and that are typically hamburgers, pizzas, chicken or sandwiches (Davies & Smith, 2004).) There is 59% of adult population that eats at take-away restaurants at least once a week (ACNielsen, 2005). This is due to convenience concept of fast food restaurant match the busy lifestyles and ease of access to a wide variety of fast food restaurants in the markets.

Nowadays, many people, mostly young people, prefer to eat fast food such as hamburgers, fried chicken, shawarma, or pizza. ). It’s fast, easy to prepare, easy to eat, and cheap. It’s for everyone. It’s for the poor and the non-poor. It’s for students, managers, actors, for factory workers, for criminals, for priests and others. Today it seems like fast food was always around and it is not possible to imagine a world without fast food. Even countries like Japan, which has a traditional diet of rice, fish, vegetables and soy products, accepted fast food into their worlds. Malaysians were first introduced to fast foods when A&W established its first restaurant in 1963. Since then, consumers’ acceptance of fast foods has been on the upward trend. This is manifested by the proliferation of fast food outlets in Petaling Jaya and Kuala Lumpur, such as McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), Grandy’s, Pizza Hut and Shakey’s Pizza.

Restaurants are nothing new, but the idea of “fast food” is a newer concept. In ancient Rome and Greece taverns usually served food and drink to their guests. These places served food out of necessity not because the guests though it would be “fun”. For a long time, people liked to eat at home more than they liked to eat at a restaurant. In the 17th century people like to drink coffee and beer in taverns, but “eating out” didn’t start to become popular until the late 18th century. White Castle was one of the first fast-food chains in the United States. White Castle sold burgers and fries and helped to popularized hamburgers across the nation. In the 1930s drive-through fast food restaurants began to appear. Of course McDonald’s followed suit in 1948. McDonald’s was so popular that other fast food chains started to pop up all over the United States.

Time is money. This is the new buzzword in today’s world. People are now spending more time by running after money then spending time on their daily activities. No wonder fast food is on the rise. May people do not realize that fast food is a slow death. There are a host of disadvantages associated with eating fast food such as effect to health, economy and loss of the family tradition.

  Even though, fast food is the fastest way to feed our hunger, it is not healthy at all. It is full of saturated and unsaturated fat. Moreover, it is a major source of calories and most of these calories are from fat. Unsaturated fats are good fat. Which means someone can burn this fat overtime through exercise. On the other side, saturated fats are bad fat which cannot be burned and stay in our body. French fries, deep fried chicken and other deep fried foods are the major source of trans fats. Furthermore, it is one of the reasons behind people getting over weight these days. Fast food is full of sodium. If we look at the nutrients facts on one of our favorite fast food, we will see the highest percentage of sodium in it. Moreover, sugar is one of the major ingredients of fast food as we can see in desserts like apple pie and apple with caramel at MacDonald’s.

A further effect is on the economy for ourself or country.Although fast food is not very expensive, it is more expensive than cooking properly for yourself.

Another effect of fast food is the loss of the family tradition of eating together. Eating fast food encourages people to eat on the go. Diners are encouraged to eat quickly and then leave the premises or eat while doing something else.  

 In conclusion, fast food although it is convenient and a tasty addition to a diet, can have serious health, increase economy and social effects.People should learn to choose fast food carefully and remember the pleasure of eating good food in good company. It is not necessary to boycott all fast food restaurants, but it’s important to limit how often we eat at them.

please mark it as brainliest

Answered by Umachandru238

Junk foods are high-energy-dense foods because they contain a lot of calories, mostly from fat and sugar, but offer few nutritional benefits. When you fill yourself up with empty calories, you may be left craving more. A study published in 2012 in "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" found that regularly consuming high-energy-dense junk food decreases sensory-specific satiety, causing you to eat more of that food. If you overeat consistently, especially junk food, this can lead to weight gain and obesity.


Junk food tends to be high in saturated fat and cholesterol. According to the American Heart Association, saturated fat and cholesterol raise your cholesterol levels, putting you at risk for heart disease and stroke. The excess sodium that's found in most processed food can raise your blood pressure as well as increase the chance that you will develop heart disease.


Your body uses insulin to move blood sugar from digested food into cells, where it is stored until your body needs it. The refined carbohydrates, or added sugars, in junk food cause spikes and then dips in your blood sugar levels. This leads to insulin resistance and hyperglycemia, where sugar doesn't get stored, but rather stays in your bloodstream. Over time, you can develop Type 2 diabetes, a condition that puts you at risk for a number of other health complications, according to MedlinePlus.


When you eat too much junk food, you may suffer from deficiencies in vitamins and minerals. High-energy-dense foods often lack protein; calcium; iron; vitamins A, C, D and E; B vitamins; potassium; zinc; and monounsaturated fats. A deficiency in any of these nutrients compromises your immune system and puts you at risk for illness and infection, according to Dr. Victoria J. Drake, a research associate at the Linus Pauling Institute. If you're nutritionally deficient, your body also can't make the neurotransmitter serotonin, which may leave you with feelings of anxiety, depression and irritability.

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