A lot of people have helped us during the pandemic. Think of five such helpers and write a paragraph on each like to include the following information of them. You may like to include following information
a) Name of the helper
b) His/her occupation
c)How did he/she help you during the pandemic?
d) Howdid think this person? e) What message did take from that person?
f) What ideas do you have for the future if such situations qrise?
Luigi Cavanna, 67, is the head of the oncology ward at Guglielmo da Saliceto hospital in Piacenza, Italy
In early March, when the epidemic hit, the situation in the E.R. was extreme. People were coming in all the time, dozens of them, already in serious condition. Beds and stretchers everywhere.
One of my patients was in the E.R. for 10 hours and then she signed a paper stating that she wanted to be taken home. She said she’d rather die in her own bed. So I visited her at home and gave her some medicine. Within a few weeks, she got better. That’s when I realized we shouldn’t be waiting for the COVID-19 patients to get to the hospital. We needed to go to people’s homes, even of those with mild symptoms, and treat the disease before it could get worse. In the beginning the rallying call was to increase the number of hospital beds and all our efforts were directed towards that objective, but in doing so we were overlooking the territory.
We’ve got to remember that COVID-19 is not a heart attack or a stroke. It follows its course, and we must stop the action of the virus before the lungs are too seriously damaged. If you enter the spiral of the hospital already in serious condition, you don’t always manage to leave. I started to drive around the area surrounding Piacenza with my staff on March 10, and initially we visited as many as 15 people a day. Then we gradually became better organized, and now we have three teams and we continue to work also in the hospital.
When we go to patients’ homes, we do a chest ultrasound with a device the size of a cell phone, but no swabs. In this area, anyone who shows the typical symptoms of COVID-19 is almost certainly positive. We leave the swabs for later, when patients have recovered, to make sure they’re no longer contagious. Up until April 2, we left two medicines to be taken by mouth, hydroxychloroquine commonly used for rheumatoid arthritis and an antiviral used for HIV. Then AIFA [Italy’s equivalent to FDA] issued a note advising us to be very careful in prescribing them together, and so now, except in rare cases, we use only hydroxychloroquine. We also leave other support devices such as an oximeter, or tanks of oxygen. Above all, we stay in touch with the patients and their families, and monitor the course of treatment on a daily basis.
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So far we have visited almost 300 patients. We can do this thanks to the hospital’s resources and private donations of protective equipment. Every time we enter a patient’s home we wear two gowns, two masks, caps, shoe covers. We’re extremely careful. I’m almost embarrassed to say this, but even when I’m at home with my wife, I keep the mask on.
I’m one of those doctors who could have retired, but I chose not to. I’m not an alarmist by nature, but this is a tragedy. And we all need to do what we can, and what we can do best, to deal with it. —As told to Francesca Berardi.
hope it helps you best of luck