. A man bought a Laptop for Rs. 45,000 and a TV set for Rs. 20,000. He sold the Laptop at a profit of 6 % but made a loss of 12% on the TV set. Find his profit or loss percent in the whole transaction.
His profit percent in the whole transaction = 0.46 %
Step-by-step explanation:
Cost Price ( CP ) of Laptop = Rs 45,000
Profit % on Laptop = 6 %
Cost Price ( CP ) of TV set = Rs 20,000
Loss % on TV set = 12 %
We know that:
Selling Price ( SP ) of Laptop =
= Rs 47,700
Selling Price ( SP ) of TV set =
= Rs 17,600
Total Cost Price ( CP ) = Rs 45,000 + Rs 20,000
= Rs 65,000
Total Selling Price ( SP ) = Rs 47,700 + Rs 17,600
= Rs 65,300
Here, SP > CP
Therefore, There is Profit.
Profit Percent =
= 0.46 %
His profit percent in the whole transaction = 0.46 %