A man purchased two items A & B and invested Rs 50 & Rs 75 on their repairing respectively. If he earns profit of 10% on A and 12% on B, overall profit earned by him is is Rs 84. But if he earns 20% on A & 10% on B, overall profit earned by him is 14% of total price of items. Find initial total purchasing price of both items.
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The initial purchasing price for both the items are Rs. 250 and Rs. 375 respectively.
Amount invested on item A= Rs. 50
Amount invested on item B= Rs. 75
Profit earned on A and B= 10% and 12% respectively
Total profit in this case= Rs. 84
Profit earned on A and B in another case= 20% and 10% respectively
Total profit in this case= 14% of total price
To Find:
Initial total purchasing price of both items.
Let the price of item A be Rs. x and price of item B be Rs. y.
Price of A including repairs= 50 + x
Price of B including repairs= 75 + y
Total profit earned=
It is given that total profit in this case was Rs. 84. So,
Total profit earned=
It is given that total profit in this case was 14% of total price.
Total price = (50+x)+(75+y)= 125+x+y
Putting value of x from eq. ii in eq.i, we get,
Hence, the initial cost price of A and B were Rs. 250 and Rs. 375 respectively.