Political Science, asked by mannuparsad6827, 10 months ago

A milliant guerilla movement spread in? ​


Answered by samiksha6176


(1) The militant guerrilla movement was led by Alluri Sitaram Raju, the follower of Mahatma Gandhi. (2) The colonial government had closed large forest areas to prevent people from entering the forest to graze their cattle, to collect firewood and fruits. This enraged the hill people as it affected their livelihood and traditional rights. (3) The government began forcing them to contribute begar for road building, the hill people revolted. (4) The rebels proclaimed Raju as an incarnation of God as he could make correct astrological predictions and heal people. (5) The Gudem rebels attacked police stations, attempted to kill British officials and carried on guerrilla warfare for achieving Swaraj.

Answered by priyanshupandti01


Gudem Hills.


In the Gudem Hills of Andhra Pradesh, a militant guerrilla movement ...

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