English, asked by rashnigmailcom, 2 months ago

(a) Mini feelings towards the Kabuliwala
(b) The Speaker's feelings towards the Kabuliwala

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Answered by neelritusharma


a. Relationship between Mini and kabuliwala is a bond of affection which lasts only till Manish childhood.

Kabuliwala wins little Mini's friendship by offering her nuts and fruits.

They become good friends and share some common jokes which become their favourite pastime.

Once when Kabuli wala is arrested, Mini is shocked to see Rahman in handcuffs.

Later when he returns at the time of Mini's marriage, she finds it difficult for for her to remember Kabuliwala. There is no affection in their relationship in the end.

b. Rabindra tagore was little afraid of the kabuiwala at beginning .he was because kabuiwala was such a large man and it was easy for him to kidnap mini and narrator wife also have a doubt that doubt rabindra nath can not ignore as because they convey a strong point.later on he became sure that kabuiwala will not harm mini by seeing the way how two friends kabuiwala and mini met each other.


Hope it helps you!!!

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