Math, asked by shreenathyarn, 7 months ago

a mystic TEMPhas been summoned to a haunted house to discover a spirit dwelling their.she can sense that it must be present behind oneof four doors but each door is inscribed wif a riddle written by teh spirit Door a- iam behind B or C Door B me is behind A or D Door C - me is here. Door D -me is not in here teh mystic knows that just one of these inscription tells teh truth . where is teh spirit ?

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Answered by amitnrw

Spirit is Behind D  &   B is only speaking truth

Step-by-step explanation:

A  -  Behind B or  C

B  -  Behind A or D

C  -  Here ( behind C)

D -  not Here ( not Behind D) => Behind A , B or C

Let say A  Speak Truth    then its behind B or C    Hence  D will be speaking truth also  

So A can not Speak Truth  -  Hence its not behind B or C

Hence C  is also not Speaking truth

Now let say B  speaking Truth    => Behind A or D

if Behind A ,  D is also speaking truth ( not possible)

so Behind D is possible  ( if B speaking Truth)

Now lets assume D speaking truth then it will be behind A , B or C

then in that case either B Speaking Truth  or A & C speaking truth

Hence not possible

Behind D is possible  (  B speaking Truth)

Other way to Solve

if Spirit Behind A  -  then B & D speak truth

if Spirit Behind  B - then A & D speaks truth

if Spirit Behind  C - then A , C  & D speaks truth

if Spirit Behind  D - then only B speaks truth

Spirit Behind  D -   only B speaks truth

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