A p-n junction diode has breakdown voltage of 28V. If applied external in reverse bias is 40 V the current through it is
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Under the condition when a p-n junction is reverse biased, the applied reverse voltage is increased, the electric field across the p-n junction increases because in the depletion region across the p-n junction, there are equal two opposite charges stored. As a result of high electron field across the junction under reverse biased condition, the breakdown of charge carriers takes place. Therefore, current increases rapidly. This is because
d r
d V
, when both p and n regions are heavily doped, a depletion layer is very thin. So, electron field is maximum at the junction.
hope it helps...
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The current through the diode will become infinite.
P-N Junction Diode: P-n junction is a border between p(positive) type and n(negative) type semiconductor.
Reverse Bias: If the p-type is connected to the negative terminal and n-type is connected to the positive terminal of a battery then the p-n junction becomes reverse biased.
Once the external voltage exceeds the breakdown voltage the more number of electrons inside the semiconductor starts to flow. It increases the current flow.
- In the mentioned diode external voltage > breakdown voltage.
- Rate of flow of electrons is very high.
- So current becomes infinite.
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