A paragraph on save environment
Water shortage is increasing as the balance between rainfall and population is disturbed. Though there has been a very high rise in the production of food grains as a result of the green revolution ,the balance of the environment has been lost due to use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and weedicides.
We know that we can’t save our environment overnight. But, having an intention to make this possible is all that count. Reduce wastage of papers. Try not to ruin plants. They are one of the biggest factors that can keep the earth fertile and save the life. Save trees to save our environment. Encourage your child to plant trees in any empty ground. As I said before, the initiative counts. If you feel the need of saving the environment, you will stop others from doing something which can hurt the well being of the nature.
Save the environment by being a little close to the nature. You can also make a large contribution by reducing the wastage of electricity. Yes, in India the production of electricity is still dependent on the non renewable energy sources.
Switch off the lights and fans when you don’t need them. Sometimes it’s even great to enjoy the natural light and air. Allow circulation of air and flow of light inside the home to save energy.
So we should try to save our environment by making the small day to day initiatives. The first thing you should do is try to save water, trees and electricity. This will make a big difference. Also try to spread good words and educate children about it. Love the nature to save the earth for our own future.