Physics, asked by kabilan9147, 9 months ago

A particle is pojected from the ground at an angle of theta with the horizontal with an initial speed of u. Time after which velocity vector of the projectile is perpendicular to the initial velocity is


Answered by AbdJr10


initial \: vt \: velocity \:  = usin  \beta  \\ initial \: hz \: velocity \:  = ucos \beta  \\ at \: tha \: point \: when \: initial \: velocity \\ is perpendicuar \: to \: velocity \: after \:  \\ time \: t \\ hz \: velociy \: will \: alway \: remain \: same \: \\ ucos \beta  = vsin \beta  -  -  - eq1 \\ and \: in \: vt \: motion \: \\ vsin \beta  = vsin \beta  - gt \\  \frac{u}{tan \beta} \times  sin \beta  = usin \beta  - gt \\ t = usin \beta (1 -  \frac{1}{tan \beta} )

hope the answer will help you

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