A person counts everything to three. From bathing to eating, He begins it by counting to three.
If he starts it without counting he instantly gets a panic attack, messes up whatever he do.
He aligns everything on his table to two fold axis symmetry. He found his body was asymmetric and grabbed a knife to make it correct.
What are the mental disorders that the person might possibly have?
The question here specifies three cases 1 where the person counts till three before beginning an assigned work...here the person has something to do with the no.'3' facts such as 3 is a lucky no. Or that counting to three makes the work perfect might have influenced his subconscious...small things and thoughts can make great impact and can influence this person very quickly..
2 where the person is being panicky..he is impulsive and is unable to control his emotions -
3 where the person strives to be perfect excessively...he wants everything around him to be perfect.
Sorry we have a fourth point too,the person here is unable to accept his abilities and disabilities. He is not satisfied with what he has and tries to alter something which is out of his way and reach
All points are self analysed... and it's not from a formal view