Biology, asked by thunder2356, 8 months ago

A person met with an accident with severe head injuruy and declared dead by doctors.But his heart is functioning.Explain the amazing property of heart​


Answered by KrithikaMurugan

The heart can pump blood to every cell in our body .the heart beats about 115000 times each day .so if a person dies the tissues and bones are fresh till 24 hours

Answered by Siribd004

yes thats true!

the heart can still beat as long as the brain is still alive.

example : If a person is having a cardiac arrest { heart attack } , the person is not dead instantly. because the brain has the capacity to be alive for more extra 10-15 minutes. if the brain is alive, then automatically, it is easy to sat that the heart still beats too. always check the pulse too. i think i would suggest you to buy an AED it is a portable box which contains all the necessities if a person is having a cardiac arrest. it has digital functional instructions and has the capability to instruct any person { whether its you or me }. the box is functioned and instructs through a digital voice and it is very easy to follow. but the downside is that it is a little expensive. it can be bought from at ₹4000-₹5000. but still it is worth it because it can save a human's precious life which is priceless.

or another answer

if a person met with an accident with severe head injury and declared dead by doctors, but the heart is still functioning, then another reason can be that simply, the doctors are not experienced. they dont know what to tell. i doesnt make sense. dead means gone and nothing is working. but then how can the heart still function ? see ? doctors only dont know what to tell. how can they declare a person dead and tell the heart is functioning ? it means that the person is still alive right ? mad doctors. ok bye. i hope this answer was helpful to you..write this answer in exam , you will get 100/100.  

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