A place where alcoholic liquor is produced one word
There different names of the places where different types of alcohols are made. The following are some of them:
a) Brewery: A brewery is a place where beer is made commercially. It is also called a beerhouse.
b) Winery: The place where wines are made and stored for aging are called wineries.
c) Distilleries: Whisky is made in distilleries. Fermented barley, rye or corn is used in the making of different types of whiskies.
A drab unstable combustible fluid which is delivered by the normal aging of sugars and is the inebriating constituent of wine, lager, spirits, and different beverages, and is additionally utilized as a modern dissolvable and as fuel.
A refined beverage, soul, or alcohol is a mixed beverage containing ethanol that is delivered by refining of ethanol created by methods for maturing grain, natural product, or vegetables.