A possible hypogene environment indicator of copper mineralisation in neem ka thana copper belt, sikar district, rajasthan, india
Neemka Thana copper belt of north Delhi fold belt is known for its unique copper mineralization. This belt is unique as it is the only copper silver mineralised belt, where bornite occurs as predominant copper ore mineral followed by chalcopyrite. Bornite and chalcopyrite dominated Nanagwas block is a high tonnage low grade copper resource of Nimka Thana copper belt within north Delhi fold belt, Rajasthan. The copper mineralization which is mainly restricted within carbonates of Ajabgarh Group of rocks of the Delhi Supergroup (DSG) has been emplaced partly by sedimentary process and partly by the epigenetic process during the second deformation in the area. Nanagwas block has got huge potential to produce a high grade concentrate that could be used for blending with the low grade copper concentrates produced by some of the operating plants in India.