A railway company makes a profit of rupees 1671 or per ticket of business class while losses rupees 165 on every ticket if the company sold 3865 ticket of business class and 4572 3 ticket of economic class in the month of March what would be the total profit or loss company will make in that month
The company makes a loss of 1085880 Rupees
Step-by-step explanation:
Given, profit on every business class ticket= 1671
Profit on all business tickets= 1671*3865
Loss on every economic class ticket= 165
loss on all economic tickets= 165 *45723=7544295
Loss= 7544295- 6458415, since the loss component is bigger
Answer: -1085880
Step-by-Step explanation:
Profit on every business class ticket=
rs. 1671
Loss on every economy class ticket=
rs. 165
company sold business class tickets
in the month of march =3965 tickets
company sold economy class tickets
in the month of march =45723 tickets
Total profit does the company get in the month of March = 1671 x 3965
= 64,58,415
Total loss does the company get in the month of March = 165 x 45723
= 75,44,295
The company get loss in the the month of march
= 64,58,415 - 75,44,295
= -(64,58,415 - 75,44,295)
= -(75,44,295 - 64,58,415)
= -10,85,880