A rectangle was altered by increasing its length by 101010 percent and decreasing its width by ppp percent. If these alterations decreased the area of the rectangle by 121212 percent, what is the value of ppp?
Choice D is the best answer. It accurately states that the information in the
proposed additional sentence is not related to formal portraits of cats, the
main topic of the paragraph.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because each fails to recognize that the
proposed sentence interrupts the logical development of the paragraph.
Choice D is the best answer. The tone corresponds with that established in
the passage, and the phrasing appropriately focuses on the cats’ contribution
to protecting artwork rather than on simply killing rodents.
Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because none makes explicit the link
between the cats’ hunting activities and the service to the museum.
Section 3: Math Test — No Calculator
Choice C is correct. The painter’s fee is given by nKℓh, where n is the number
of walls, K is a constant with units of dollars per square foot, ℓ is the length
of each wall in feet, and h is the height of each wall in feet. Examining this
equation shows that ℓ and h will be used to determine the area of each wall.
The variable n is the number of walls, so n times the area of the walls will
give the amount of area that will need to be painted. The only remaining
variable is K, which represents the cost per square foot and is determined by
the painter’s time and the price of paint. Therefore, K is the only factor that
will change if the customer asks for a more expensive brand of paint