a report about earthquake
What causes an earthquake
Under all oceans and continent ,a crust is present we all know that these crust is broken into plates called plate tectonic. when mantle is moving the crust is also moving . it can move by 3 ways. When the crust moves apart the mantle actually forming a new crust under the ocean. When the plates past each other the rides get bumpy and that bumpy ride causes an earthquake.when the plates collide the continent above it and causes an earthquake.
How to day earthquake:
Stay where you are until the shaking stops. Do not run outside. Do not get in a doorway as this does not provide protection from falling or flying objects, and you may not be able to remain standing. Drop down onto your hands and knees so the earthquake doesn’t knock you down. Drop to the ground (before the earthquake drops you!) Cover your head and neck with your arms to protect yourself from falling debris. If you are in danger from falling objects, and you can move safely, crawl for additional cover under a sturdy desk or table. If there is low furniture or an interior wall or corner nearby, and the path is clear, these may also provide some additional cover.eature: heavy roofs. Building collapse in Kathmandu and surrounding areas contributed to a death toll now rising toward 10,000. The destruction of buildings sharing the same flaw helped kill 200,000 in the 2010 quake in Haiti, more than 80,000 in China in 2008 and at least 80,000 in Pakistan in 2005, to name just the most recent deadly disasters.
Better building techniques can help in the absence of wood. Hausler Strand has her rule of the three Cs: configuration, connections and construction.
steel encircling steel inside of the concrete—is enough to reinforce a building strongly enough for it to withstand most earthquakes