CBSE BOARD X, asked by sudhakhari1952, 1 year ago

A report about plastic pollution


Answered by sujjwal279


Explanation:ABSTRACT The accumulation  of plastic and products made  of plastic in the environment lead to plastic pollutionwhich imposes a hazardous effect on wildlife and human food chain. The plastics have a chemical configuration by which they are  resistant  to  environmental  degradation  rusting  to  high  incidences  of  environmental  pollution  due  to  slow degradation.Plastic pollution occurs by plastic goods which vary according to its chemical configuration. It depends on the method of its polymerization and the method of natural degradation. Depending on the size, plastic pollutants are categorized into micro-, meso-, or macro debris.   KEYWORDs: Plastic, Pollution   INTRODUCTION Land, oceans and large water bodies are mostly affected from these pollutions. The marine animals dwelling in the oceans suffer from an altered digestive physiology for the accidental consumption of plastic materials mixed with their feed.[1, 2] The plastics exposed to ocean decompose rapidly than those to land. The debris waste products formed due to plastics are categorized  into primary and secondary wastes. Secondary plastic wastes are produced  from the degradation of primary wastes. [3] The human population, wind  and ocean currents, coastline  geography, urban areas and  trade routes contribute to the extent of spread of plastic pollution in our environment. [4, 11-12]  EFFECT ON ENVIRONMENT SOIL:  Harmful chemicals are released by seepage in the groundwater and in the ecosystem especially in the soil from the  plastics.  Polymer  and  nylon  degrading  bacteria  like  Pseudomonas, nylon-eating  bacteria  and Flavobacteria contribute to the release of methane gas from the breakdown of nylon which contributes towards greenhouse gas and global warming. [5, 6, 14]  WATER: Plastic contaminates the water bodies and oceans by storm-water runoff, flowing into watercourses or directly discharged into coastal waters. This pollution enters the food chain thereby causing hazardous long term carcinogenic effect to fishes, animals and human beings due to the release of diethylhexyl phthalate, lead, mercury and cadmium. Oceans are generally contaminated from micro-plastic debris which floats on the sea surface. [7-10, 14].  MARINE ANIMALS Sea turtles are mostly affected by plastic pollution includingsome species of jelly fish which cause oesophagial obstruction in them and also accumulate in the stomach of whales. Even small fishes also consume the tiny bits of plastic below the ocean surface. Tuna, sword fish and Lantern fish also consumes plastics by mistake which become a part of the ocean food chain. [11-14]  BIRDS  Including the animals, plastic pollution also affect the birds like Seabirds, which obstruct their digestive tract causing tissue damage by  the toxic  chemicals called polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).  Marine plastic pollution can even reach birds that have never been at the sea through the food habits. The plastic particles were found intact within the birds' gizzards and proventriculi along with the plastic debris, such as styrofoam mixed with their feed.[11-14]  CONCLUSION For reducing the incidences of plastic pollution, research endeavors should be employed to convert petroleum-based plastics to bioplastics. Also, educating and spreading the awareness among people to clean the water bodies like rivers, ponds and lakes can reduc the mortality of fishes and sea animals due to plastic pollution.The animals exposed to plastic pollution suffer from developmental defects with lesser birth weights for exposure to bisphenol A in fishes and reptiles, long term exposure may lead to stall egg hatching and decreased body weight, tail length, and body length.  

Answered by SelieVisa


Plastic Pollution

Plastic products are not bio-degradable and can remain unchanged for many years. Plastic are cheap and can be used to manufacture many products. But the overuse of plastics products has become a hazard for the environment and life. Exposure to toxic chemicals emitted by plastics causes cancer, decreases the effectiveness of the immune system, and is responsible for many other diseases.

The dumping of plastic bags, plastic bottles, etc. has created an unhygienic condition to our environment. Plastic litter has become major pollution to our towns and cities.

Plastic products, especially plastic bags find their way into rivers and oceans. They are swallowed by fish, seabirds, and other marine creatures leading to death by suffocation.

Plastic products including plastic bags are often disposed of by burning and this releases poisonous gases into the atmosphere. This pollutes the air we breathe and increases global warming.

To prevent plastic pollution, reduce the use of plastic products. If the demand is less, production will decrease. Say "No" to plastic bags. Refuse any plastic bags from shop owners when you are shopping. Carry your own shopping bag.

Carefully separate plastic products from other garbage for recycling.

Stop buying plastic products. Replace plastic bags with bags made of biodegradable materials like cotton and jute and recycled paper bags.

Stop burning plastic as a means of waste disposal. The toxic gases released pollute the air we breathe. It increases global warming. Don't buy bottled water. Always carry your non-plastic water bottle.

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