a short note on music
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What is Music? Music is the ‘art of combining tones in a manner to please the ear’. It may also mean sounds so combined as to make a pleasant impression on the mind.
All sound, however, is not music. It is only when the sounds (combined) produce harmony and melody and please the ear that they become music.
Music paves the way for the absorption of the mind in the Supreme. In fact, it is an innocent and refining diversion.
Importance of Music:
Music can bring excitement in our life.
It can stir up the feelings of love and sympathy.
A pathetic song can melt the heart of even a ruffian.
A patriotic song awakens in one of the love for one’s country.
The solemn and stately music fills the worshipers with awe and reverence and the sense of the Divine Presence.
Everyone knows how the song or Orpheus, the great musician of ancient Greece, proved captivating to stones, trees and flood.
The song of Tansen at Akbar’s court brought about a heavy shower and kindled a fire. Music not only rouses various feelings but also quiets the worried and wearied soul.
Thank you
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Music is a form of art that uses sound organised in time. Music is also a form of entertainment that puts sounds together in a way that people like, find interesting or dance to. Most music includes people singing with their voices or playing musical instruments, such as the piano, guitar, drums or violin.
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