English, asked by abhi934034, 1 year ago

A short speech on the topic punctuality​


Answered by whirlwind


Punctuality is the characteristic of being able to complete a required task or fulfill an obligation before or at a previously designated time. "Punctual" is often used synonymously with "on time". It is also acceptable that punctual can also, be related to talking about grammar, means "to be accurate".

Hope it helps you mate...

Mark as brainliest...

Answered by shruti1875



A Speech on Punctuality


Everyone here knows how nice it feels to switch off the alarm clock in the morning and go back to sleep. The only thing is that it makes you late to your school, to your office, to your business. And when it becomes a habit, it makes you lose your money, your career, and your credibility – because punctuality is a sign of being responsible in life.

Great men have always understood the value of punctuality. In fact, a life devoid of punctuality will be a life of broken promises. The first prime minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, knew the value of punctuality. He used to recite a few lines from Robert Frost to remind him of appointments and promises:

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.”

These lines tell us what punctuality really is. It means doing things at the right time, keeping our promises, and not being distracted by the trifles of life. “Punctuality is not just arriving at a place at the right time; it is also about finishing things at the right time.” It is easy to while away time and say tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow. Lack of punctuality arises from lack of planning and focus. It is often said, “Beginning of a great day begins a night before.” We have to root out laziness and do the preparations. We must have enough sleep and wake up early in the morning. That is how we hold time by the forelock.

But today, many people fail to recognize the value of punctuality. They believe that money, fame, and power are excuses for being late. As a result, a lack of punctuality has become the shameless hallmark of our culture. We even mockingly say, “Punctuality is the art of guessing how late the other fellow is going to be.”

I remember what happened to one of the big shots in our local parish.

One of the reverend fathers of our parish was retiring and a celebratory dinner was arranged to give him a fitting farewell. Our big shot was chosen to make the presentation and to give a little address at the function. But the speaker didn’t arrive on time, and the priest began with his own words of gratitude:

“When I came to this parish twenty-five years ago, I thought I had been assigned to a terrible place – because the very first confession that I heard in this parish was from a person who had stolen his neighbour’s watch. He was also involved in drug-dealing, making counterfeit currency, and blackmailing. But every time he managed to go scot-free. To tell you the truth, I was terrified.”

“But as time passed, I was convinced that I had indeed landed in a fine parish, full of good, charitable and sincere people.”

Just as the priest finished his words and sat down, our big shot finally arrived, with a whirl of apologies. Without wasting any more time he started with his presentation:

“I’ll never forget the day our most reverend father arrived in this parish. In fact, I had the honor of being the first person to go in to him for confession.”

Let this not happen in your life. Whatever heights you reach in life, never, never, never be late.

Today I am giving you this motto. “On time all the time.” Write this on your mind’s walls to see the magic. Remember, it is the difference of only a few seconds in catching a train or missing it! Therefore, to catch the train of life, always be on time.


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