English, asked by NibeditaPriyam, 10 months ago

A social story (created by you, not copied) within 250 Words


Answered by AnushreeSinha
Once upon a time there lived a family of three members in a small city. The father worked as a successful businessman and the mother worked as a teacher in a college. They had a small kid who was only 5 years old.
One day the grandfather of the child came to their home. Grandfather could not walk properly or do anything by himself. Whenever the family would sit for the dinner Grandfather could not hold the spoon properly and would scatter the food here and there. He also had broken some of the plates of the house.
The mother was fade up with grandfather and she complained to her husband "see your father is always making the table dirty and he also have broken some of the plates. Please do something".
So from that day the grandfather started eating on a separate table at the corner of the room and he was served food in a wooden bowl so that no damage would be occured to the plates.
One day the father saw his small kid who was making some utensils out of clay. The father asked him gently "what are you doing my son? " and gently the son answers "Oh nothing just making a small bowl for you and mamma to eat when I grow up" The father was hurt after hearing that. At night he talked about that incident to his wife and both of them understood that they were becoming a bad example towards their child.
From that day onwards the grandfather started eating with the family and even if he makes the table dirty or breaks plate, the parents would not say anything and after that the whole family lived happily ever after.

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