A speech about causes of proverty and means of overcoming it Discrimination based on gender, religion, class etc Constitutionally guaranteed human rights
Reasons for poverty and steps to overcome it:
We can achieve true liberty when there is no poverty and discrimination in society. Poor people struggle a lot to eat three meals a day. They face a lot of difficulties to attain basic needs. It is mainly because of lack of education, illiteracy, population explosion and hence unemployment.
The discrimination based on gender, race and religion also affects the lives of many people. The opportunities are not given equally in this male-dominant society. The society should move towards giving equal possibilities to everyone, free education thereby establishing peace.
⭐ For discussion at class level. There are three topics given in the box. One is fully solved for the students. Two other topics carry the notes. Students may write a speech in their own words using these as a good exercise .
Causes of poverty and means of overcoming it
Speech ;-
Respected Principal, teachers and dear students !
Today I stand before you to speak on the ‘Causes of poverty and means of overcoming it’. Well, you’ll see that poverty is a curse. It has many causes. These are: no employment, no means of livelihood, no landholding and no work available. There are physical situations also. These are like existence of zamindari system. In it, one has plenty of land and a majority are landless labourers only. There exist superstitious beliefs due to illiteracy and ignorance. One has a large family due to these. The result ‘ is one is bom in poverty and dies also in it .
There are means of overcoming poverty. One must hunt for work even if one has to migrate to cities. One must get access to various govt, agencies and help available. One must acquire knowledge about the reasons of poverty. These are like a large family, superstitious beliefs and narrow-mindedness. Belief in fate won’t do anything. One must work and fight against the problems of life courageously .
Discrimination based on gender, religion, class etc.
Cultural reasons like male dominance, women always treated inferior or secondary, given low salary for work equal to men, religious beliefs like low-caste people are inferior, not allowed in temples, treated inferior, class or caste reasons like low- caste people shall make things impure even by touch, minds of upper-caste people doctored on these beliefs .
Much dilution of this discrimination due to govt, policies and women’s equalling men in superior jobs, govt, efforts in educating the people, reservation in govt, jobs, provision of equality in the constitution, penalising those advocating this sort of discrimination .
Constitutionally guaranteed human rights
Our Constitution guarantees fundamental rights to the citizens of the country irrespective of caste, creed or religion, right to primary education, to speech, to liberty, to access information, etc, all being equal in the eyes of the law, no discrimination due to colour, creed or religion, provision of many Acts or laws against mental or physical torture of women, child labour or demanding dowry etc, existence of suitable legal provisions together with provisions of law breakers, existence of legal cells or organisations like Human Rights Commission etc.