English, asked by leatcurt, 1 year ago

a speech of two hundred words


Answered by TheRuhanikaDhawan
 war not only breaks houses it also breaks hearts and spirits
The results of wars are always destructive, we will not get anything with the help of wars, but we lose many lives, sometimes the country will lose its economy because of the expenses of wars. Wars takes place between the countries only because of the misunderstandings between them but it can be solved peacefully.

During wars many of the soldiers will sacrifice their lives for their nation, because of their death the families will be very sad the news will break their hearts and also their spirits and sometimes the relatives of the dead soldiers will undergo psychological problems  only because they cannot swallow the pain. They will also lose the hope on this world as they have lost their loved ones, they will lose the hope on this society as the wars have broken their hearts and souls.

Wars just cause destruction everywhere, it separate people from their loved ones, the countries can do anything to take revenge of their loss we can take an example of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it destroyed many homes and many of the people who lived peacefully in it had to live in refugee camps etc wars literally destroy everything.

Peace is very costly but it is worth , we can do many things with help of peace and many misunderstandings and disputes between the countries can be solved with the help of peace but war just kills many of our soldiers and there will be mass destruction everywhere between those countries many people will have to lose their lives but peace will not harm any one it keeps everyone happy and no one will die if the disputes are solved with help of peace I agree that it is difficult to solve it with peace but at least we can make an attempt to solve them using peace 
Answered by sweety70
                        DEMONITISATION                                                                                         -------------------------------------------

Demonetisation of money means the currency which is existing is discontinued and new currency is replaced in it's place. In India there had been a ban on 500 and 1000 rupee notes which is officially announced by our honourable prime minister on 8th November 2016.

Demonetisation is a beneficial practise implemented against corruption. It had a great impact on our country.

Today in the modern world we find many government officials often bribing to complete people's work.This has become a great problem. Government officials, politicians and other rich people are becoming more and more rich while poor people are still remaining poor.This is a thing which is to be considered.

So our respected Prime minister had implemented demonetisation against this. It is implemented as an anti-corruption scheme. This scheme had brought out the real phase of many politicians and great people.

Demonetisation came out as a useful scheme as it has a limit to the amount of money which can be withdrawn per day and had fixed a particular date when all these exchanges should end . During this process many rich people simply threw the money in fright of being caught.any others were being caught and arrested.

Demonetisation was being opposed by many rich people, officals and politicians as they were frightened. But inspire of that demonitisation was successful.

However in some places it turned ot to be a waste. Many rich people got their money back.They were happy as before. Many new 2000 rupee notes were found in some of their houses. 

Demonitisation had both benefits and loss. Common people suffered as there was a very big queue for collecting money in the banks.

Inspite of all these it turned out a successful with some people. It was able to reach its target.

Hope it helps u..
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