A speech on the 'Importance of Discipline in life'.(150 words)
Discipline is rather a means of keeping our lives in order. If there was no discipline, everyone would be chattering at once and listening would be an utopian practice. If we had no discipline, there would be no way to reach our present stage. People would have made their own rules according to selfish conveniences and just imagine what variety of rules would come up and what a variety of mishaps would occur. If there was no discipline, a life would have been a chaos with several branches and each having frayed ends. Discipline is an inevitable part of our life and without it, people would be like ships without rudders. Think abot it, even anjmals maintain some discipline in midst of their chaotic savage like lives.
Hope it helps.
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Good morning everyone present here. I stand before you to expatiate on ‘Discipline or Perish’. Jim Rohn has beautifully said: “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” Success and realization of dreams go hand in hand with discipline. There is no achievement that was accomplished without discipline. All great men of all times who great phenomenal success have been men and women of discipline. Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Socrates, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Charlie Chaplin, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Walt Disney, Helen Keller, Booker T. Washington, Mahatma Gandhi, and the like all became disciplined first, successful later.
Being disciplined means knowing optimal time-management, self-control, knack of making best choices, being focused, zero procrastination, always making more attempts in the field you want to advance, upright moral character, and observing morals and ethics. A disciplined person does not have to be told to do the good things; he himself does them. Anyone who is not disciplined can’t hope to be an achiever at all! There are only two options: be disciplined, or perish! The choice is to be made by you!