A story on truth always win in english
Triumph has the same meaning as win.
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This story is with moral.

“Satyameva Jayathi” or “Truth always triumphs” has been the catchphrase of the INDIANS . In India, since times immemorial, it has been believed that truth always triumphs and this dictum has been rightly emphasized by the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. We achieved independence using the massive weapon .”Satyagraha” which means “The force born out of truth” How true! Truth generates a force from it, a powerful force which cannot be overlooked.
“Satyameva Jayathi” or “Truth always triumphs” has been the catchphrase of the INDIANS . In India, since times immemorial, it has been believed that truth always triumphs and this dictum has been rightly emphasized by the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. We achieved independence using the massive weapon .”Satyagraha” which means “The force born out of truth” How true! Truth generates a force from it, a powerful force which cannot be overlooked.A person may have several virtues but it is his honesty that sets him apart. It stands as a hallmark to his character. Truth brings with it purity. Truth makes a person strong and builds a concrete personality. Our epics too tell us that a person emerges victorious only if he abides by the truth. In the Mahabharata, it was the truthful Pandavas who emerge victorious after the end of the battle. Though Kauravas resorted to deceitful means to overpower the Pandavas, it was the Pandavas who emerged victorious. In the Ramayana too Lord Rama achieved victory through his truthfulness and honesty.