Biology, asked by roshan820, 1 year ago

A student was observing a slide with no
label under microscope. The section had
some vascular bundles scattered in the
ground tissue. It is section of a monocot
stem! He exclaimed. No! it is section
of fern rachis, said the teacher. Teacher
told to observe vascular bundle again.
Student agreed, Why?​


Answered by Abhishekzzz


fkfucyb I have been a long day at school and work with me and I was just thinking

Answered by pranal6


it simple think which mentioned in fern rachis xylem consists only tracheids whereas in monocot stem xylem consists vessel like protoxylem and metaxylem as well as monocot shows presence of lysigenous cavity just below the protoxylem thus

2. phloem consists of only sieve cells and whereas monocot stem phloem consists of sieve tubes and campionion cells thus students must be observed these different in the given and agreed to teacher and also to remember given section of fern rachis and not of monocot stem

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