A survey conducted by an organisation for the cause of illness and death among the male between the ages 15-44 (in years) world wide, found the following figures (in %) :(Sr. no. - Cause - Male fatality rate)
1 - Cardio vascular condition - 4.72 - By smoking - 31.83 - By unhygenic food - 25.44 - Ncuropsychiatric condition - 21.35 - Accident - 1236 - Other cause - 4.5
Represent the above data by bar diagram.
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Step-by-step explanation:
To draw the bar graph of the above given data.
Follow these simple steps:On x-axis, take cause of illness and death among the male between the ages 15-44 as shown in the table.On y axis, Male fatality rate in %.
On graph paper you need not to color,but if you want that your bar graph look attractive than you can do colouring also.Hope it helps you.
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