Social Sciences, asked by roshanraina05pdregx, 1 year ago

a) Sutlej & Yamuna
b) Sutlej & Ghaggar
c) Ghaggar & Yamuna
d) Sutlej & Beas
B. Fill in the blanks:
..... civilization flourished in
d Dotamia means.dash Civilization flourished in Punjab ​


Answered by AdityamBharti


Topography of Sutlej-Yamuna plains showing modern Himalayan rivers occupy incised valleys. a Detrended relative elevation map, derived from SRTM 30 m DEM (2014 release), showing courses of the modern Sutlej, Beas and Yamuna rivers confined to regionally extensive incised valleys eroded into alluvial deposits of the Indo-Gangetic basin. Confinement prevents the rivers from readily avulsing across older fluvial fan surfaces. White box indicates area of detailed image in b. b Detail from Landsat 5 TM colour composite mosaic in Fig. 2 showing modern Sutlej incised valley near its outlet at Himalayan mountain front. Inferred palaeo-Sutlej course that joins Ghaggar-Hakra palaeochannel, a former Sutlej incised valley, is indicated, as is the likely river avulsion node

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