English, asked by sophiwils, 1 month ago

a teacher's______ nature made her popular with students, who found her to be friendly and approachable.​


Answered by gankita2299


friendly will be to obtai

Answered by crkavya123


a teacher's__friendly____ nature made her popular with students, who found her to be friendly and approachable.​


To put information into blank spaces called to fill in the blanks

Complete the Blank a question or sentence in which one or more words have been substituted with a blank line, allowing the reader to fill in the missing word (s). A fill-in-the-blank question asks students to complete a statement with the best feasible response after being given a blank in a test question.

Is the question with the blanks untrue?

They differ from multiple-choice questions in that they force pupils to use language, but they are not very authentic in terms of language use. Fill-in-the-blank questions are advantageous for language assessment, according to language teachers.

What benefits do fill-in-the-blank questions offer?

Fill-in-the-blank questions are advantageous for language assessment, according to language teachers. Unable to find Flash player. Play in a fresh tab. Limiting guesswork is one benefit of fill-in-the-blank forms. Fill-in-the-blank questions have a few drawbacks despite their potential benefits.

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