English, asked by finesskidd12903, 10 months ago

A thank-you speech given after receiving an honor would be classified as


Answered by hemasaibassa

This is a very auspicious moment for me as we all have gathered to celebrate the success of the completion of our much awaited project. I am here to deliver my speech on this occasion; it’s a great honour for me to be given accolades and award for the execution of the most successful and highly important project of this year. I am truly obliged for this great honour and recognition given by the management and the Board.

Being honest, the journey towards the project accomplishment and subsequently towards this award was not easy; in fact it was very long. Right from the moment when the idea was conceived to the outline of the project which was initiated later on and until today, a lot of work has been done. Transforming the idea to the real output required a good deal of efforts and various challenges came in the way. I was not alone though, I had my colleagues who walked along with me and my managers and supervisors who provided unconditional support to me. Above all, I am thankful to the Board members, CEO and the management who showed so much of trust and faith in me, which was the constant energy boost for me.

Together, we overcame every problem and challenges which have now become the milestones for us. The project was also very close to my heart because it’s about innovating means and methods to save energy and water and ultimately support sustainability. I am very glad to announce that we did it!

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