Math, asked by dharuman30, 3 months ago

A three-digit number 'n' (less than 500) is taken. A six-digit number is formed by writing
the number 'n' as the first three digits and the number '2n' as the last three. Which of the
following numbers is not necessarily a divisor of the number so obtained?​


Answered by Yoursenorita


  • A three-digit number 'n' (less than 500) is taken. A six-digit number is formed by writing the number 'n' as first three digits and the number '2n' as the last three. Which of the following is necessarily a divisor of the number so obtained?


After this there is actually 4 options to choose 6,37,167,5016,37,167,501. The solution specified in my module is goes like this: "If the original number is ababc, the new 6−6−digit number will be abc×1002abc×1002", after this it is pretty straight forward, but I don't understand how they are forming "abc×1002abc×1002" as the concatenated number.

Answered by mukuaguu



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