A trader found di['ference of ? 1,500 in his Tria]
Balance, which he dcbitcd to Suspense account.
Afterward the following errors were found. Give
corrcction entries and also prcparc Suspcnsc A/c :
(i) The Sales account was undercasted by ? 800.
(ii) ? 2,000 paid to Ramprasad was posted as ? 200
in his account.
(iii) Discount Allowed to Manish of ? 200, was
wrongly debited to Ravish's A/c.
(iv) Proprietor withdrew ? 2,500 t'or personal usc,
was debited to Travelling Expenses A/c.
(v) Interest Received from Archana rs900 but was
credited in her account.
Answered by
1) suspense
to sales 800
to suspense 1800
3) suspense 400
to Manish 200
to ravish 200
4) drawings
to travelling expenses 2500
5) Archana
to interest received 900
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