Math, asked by jacksonlawrence, 7 months ago

A train has schedule speed of 30 km pH over a level track,distance between station being 1 km station stopping time is 20 second .assuming braking retardation of 3 km pH and maximum speed 25 % greater the then average speed .calculate the acceleration frequency run with service ?​


Answered by prasadaramakrishnan

Step-by-step explanation:

#A 250-tonne motor coach driven by four motors takes 20 seconds to attain a speed of 42 km/h,starting from rest on an ascending

#gradient of 1 in 80.The gear ratio is 3.5,gear efficiency 92%,wheel diameter 92cm train resistance 40N/t and rotational inertia

#10 percent of the dead weight.Find the torque developed by each motor.


M = 250.0        #tonne  (mass of motor)

Me = 1.1*250.0   #tonne  (mass of rotating motor)

Vm = 42.0        #km/h   (speed)

t1 = 20.0        #s      (time)

G = 1/80.0*100       #       (% gradient)

r = 40.0         #N/tonne(train reistance)

D = 0.92         #m      (wheel diameter)

gratio = 3.5     #       (gear ratio)

geff = 0.92      #       (gear efficiency)

a = Vm/t1        #        (acceleration)    

#Now,tractive force is given by

Ft =  277.8*Me*a + 98*M*G + M*r   #N

#Now Ft = 2*gratio*geff*T/D.Therefore torque 'T' is

T = Ft*D/(2*gratio*geff)     #N-m

#There are,torque by each motor is

torque = T/4      #N-m

print "Torque developed by each motor = ",round(torque),"N-m."

Torque developed by each motor =  7181.0 N-m.

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