a train starts from delhi 6 am and reach ambala cant at 10 am and other train start from ambala cant 8 am and reach delhi 11:30 if the distance between ambala and step by step 2/7 kese aaya
Average speed of train leaving Delhi = 200/4=50 km/hr
Average speed of train leaving Ambala cantt. = 200 ×2/7=400/ 7
By the time the other train starts from Ambala cantt, the first train had travelled 100 km
Therefore, the trains meet after:
Hence they meet at 8:56 am
Hope it helps!! Mark this answer as brainliest if u found it useful and follow me for quick and accurate answers...
Average speed of train leaving Delhi = =50 km/hr
Average speed of train leaving Ambala cantt. = 200× =
200/3.5 = 200*2/7 [where 3.5 is the time difference between 8am and & 11.30 am]
By the time the other train starts from Ambala cantt, the first train had travelled 100 km
Therefore, the trains meet after:
Hence they meet at 8:56 am