A very very short essay on save earth
Essay on Save earth:
Save earth is a saying used to spread alertness among people about the significance of earth and why we should save our mother earth.
We should save the earth so that our future peers can live in a safe atmosphere. We can protect the earth by protecting trees, natural vegetation, water, natural resources, electricity, etc.
We should sternly follow all the possible actions to control the environmental pollution and global warming. There are quite of things you can do every day to help lessen greenhouse gases and your carbon impression to make a less harmful impact on the atmosphere.
Hope it helped.....
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There is an English saying, "save earth, save life". This saying exists because it is true that if we do not save the earth we cannot protect the life forms on it. Saving earth is as necessary as planting trees.
Reducing air, water, soil and sound pollutions are one of the major steps to be taken in order to save earth. Then comes controlling the greenhouse gas emission and global warming. Making the society aware of all the hazards and its backdraws in order to spread awareness among the population.
Saving our earth means saving the nature from getting destroyed by humankind. It is very important for the future generations if we start now. It will help them survive. Otherwise, they will suffer from toxic deaths.