English, asked by rahatquresey, 2 months ago

(a) Which of the following has the closest meaning to the word'vital' used in the
pawwage ? i) Unimportant ii) Large iii) Big iv) Important
(b) The phrase fish out of water indicates-i) comfortable ii) uncomfortable iii)
unsustainable iv) out of order
(c) In this passage 'acquire'mean? i) learn ii) understand iii) obtain iv) make out
(d) The word 'current refers to -i) at once ii) established iii) contemporary iv)
(e) What does the word'enlightened' mean? i) Educated ii) Ignorant iii) Oblivious
iv) Bookish
(f) Newspaper helps us to acquire-i) bookish knowledge ii) religious knowleege iii)
general knowledge iv) scientific knowledge​


Answered by digitalboy2131

a) IV) Important

b) II) uncomfortable

c) III) Obtain

d) IV) Recent

e) I) Educated

f) III) General Knowledge

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